KEVIN FORSBERG, PHD, CSEP, is cofounder of The Center for Systems Management, which provides project management and systems engineering services to an international client list that includes the CIA, Nokia, Lockheed Martin, and NASA. Dr. Forsberg has over forty-five years of experience in the project management and systems engineering fields and has won numerous awards, including the NASA Public Service Medal, the CIA Seal Medallion, and the INCOSE Pioneer Award.
HAL MOOZ, PMP, CSEP, is cofounder of The Center for Systems Management and has twenty-three years of experience consulting to government and private organizations, including AT&T, NASA, Bell Labs, and GTE. He has developed leading university and industry project management training programs and trained more than 10,000 high-technology project managers. He was awarded the CIA Seal Medallion and the INCOSE Pioneer Award.
HOWARD COTTERMAN has served The Center for Systems Management in roles ranging from project manager to president. His executive posts at leading technology companies include vice president of Rockwell International and engineering director responsible for Intel's family of microcomputers.