Without effective execution, no business strategy can succeed. This second edition delivers a powerful framework every leader can use to overcome the obstacles to successfully deploying business strategy. In this book, leading consultant and Wharton professor Lawrence Hrebiniak offers a comprehensive, disciplined process model for making strategy work in the real world. Drawing on his unsurpassed experience, Hrebiniak shows why execution is even more important than many senior executives realize, and sheds powerful new light on why businesses fail to deliver on even their most promising strategies. He offers a systematic roadmap for execution that encompasses every key success factor: organizational structure, coordination, information sharing, incentives, controls, change management, culture, and the role of power and influence in your business. With three new chapters, expanded coverage, and new examples, the Second Edition of this highly successful book is the definitive guide for turning strategy into action.
From the Back Cover
Now Extensively Updated--The Most Complete Roadmap and Process Model for Executing on Strategy
Without effective execution, no business strategy can succeed. By now, most executives and managers realize that. Unfortunately, most organizations are still far better at developing strategy than at executing it. In Making Strategy Work, Second Edition, leading consultant and Wharton professor Lawrence Hrebiniak offers today’s most comprehensive, disciplined process model for making strategy work in the real world.
Now fully updated, this Second Edition reflects new research at Wharton and beyond, and extensive additional input from managers confronting and solving execution-related problems. In an expanded applications section, Hrebiniak shows how to apply his model to a wide range of challenging, real-world situations. This edition offers new chapters with deeper analysis of strategy execution in global environments, and of linking project management with strategy. Responding to many requests, Hrebiniak has also added an entirely new chapter on service organizations.
This book sheds powerful new light on why businesses fail to deliver on even their most promising strategies. Hrebiniak’s complete execution roadmap encompasses organizational structure, coordination, information sharing, incentives, controls, change management, culture, the role of power and influence, and much more.
• Strengthening the linkages between planning and execution
Getting planners and “doers” involved in strategy execution
• Building the capabilities and culture you’ll need to execute
Aligning organizational skills, resources, and culture around your strategies
• Getting structure right
Balancing centralization and decentralization to optimize the benefits of each, while achieving effective coordination or integration
• Defining a logical flow of execution decisions and actions
Making sure the right tasks get done at the right time
• Widening the scope of successful execution
Overcoming unique obstacles to execution in M&A, global markets, and service organizations
About the Author
Lawrence G. Hrebiniak, Ph.D., has emeritus status at the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Hrebiniak was a member of the faculty of the Department of Management of The Wharton School for 36 years, where he taught courses in strategic management in the Wharton M.B.A. and Executive Education Programs. He still is very active in the Wharton Executive Education arena, teaching and working with managers in the area of strategy implementation or execution.
Dr. Hrebiniak held managerial positions in the automobile industry prior to entering academia, which provided him with valuable real-world experience. He is a past President of the Organization Theory Division of the Academy of Management. For more than two years he was one of a handful of Wharton faculty members providing commentaries on the Wharton Management Report, a TV program on the Financial News Network.
Professor Hrebiniak’s most notable research of late has been in the area of strategy execution. He has consulted with or participated in executive development work with scores of companies, profit and not-for-profit alike, both inside and outside the U.S. He facilitated many of Jack Welch’s legendary “Work-Outs.” Based on his research and experience with strategy implementation, he developed integrated processes that help make strategy work in different organizations, across different industry settings. He is still active as a researcher and consultant.
Dr. Hrebiniak has authored seven books and numerous professional articles. This book, the second edition of the bestselling Making Strategy Work, reflects his experience as a manager, consultant, and educator in creating a culture of execution and facilitator of the execution process in complex organizations.