List of Tables and Figures xi
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xxv
About the Author xxix
1. The Evolving Nature of Leadership 1
Why Study Leaders and Leadership? 2
What Is Leadership? 3
Mapping the Definitional Terrain 4
Chapter Summary 22
2. Critical Perspectives as Interpretative Frameworks 27
Letting Go of Theoretical Certainty 28
What Is Critical Social Theory? 29
Central Themes of Critical Social Theory 31
Using Critical Perspectives as Interpretative Tools 39
Essential Preparation for Applying Critical Perspectives 46
Benefits of Using Critical Perspectives 48
Chapter Summary 49
3. Interpreting Leadership Theory Using Critical Perspectives 53
Critical Social Theory and Leadership 53
Evolution of Formal Leadership Theory 54
The Leadership Challenge Model 66
Chapter Summary 72
4. Attribute-Driven Theories 75
Trait-Based Leadership 75
Strengths-Based Leadership 80
Implicit Leadership Theory 87
Deconstructing Attribute-Driven Theories 93
Reconstructing Attribute-Driven Theories 98
Chapter Summary 103
5. Production-Driven Theories 107
Style Theory 107
Situational Leadership 115
Path-Goal Theory 122
Deconstructing Production-Driven Theories 127
Reconstructing Production-Driven Theories 132
Chapter Summary 135
6. Leader-Driven Theories 139
Transforming/Transformational Leadership 140
Authentic Leadership 148
Servant Leadership 155
Deconstructing Leader-Driven Theories 164
Reconstructing Leader-Driven Theories 168
Chapter Summary 170
7. Group-Driven Theories 175
Leader-Member Exchange Theory 175
Team Leadership 184
Shared Leadership 192
Deconstructing Group-Driven Theories 198
Reconstructing Group-Driven Theories 203
Chapter Summary 206
8. Relationship-Driven Theories 211
Connective Leadership 212
The Relational Leadership Model 220
Relational Leadership Philosophies 225
Deconstructing Relationship-Driven Theories 233
Reconstructing Relationship-Driven Theories 235
Chapter Summary 238
9. Complexity-Driven Theories 241
Adaptive Leadership 241
Complexity Leadership Theory 251
Deconstructing Complexity-Driven Theories 258
Reconstructing Complexity-Driven Theories 262
Chapter Summary 264
10. Justice-Driven Theories 269
The Social Change Model of Leadership Development 269
Strategic Social Change Leadership 278
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Justice-Driven Theories 287
Chapter Summary 288
11. Integration and the Path Forward 295
Emergent Themes across Leadership Theories 296
The Interconnection of Leadership Theory and Development 303
Closing Thoughts 308
References 313
Name Index 347
Subject Index 353