Financing Large Projects is one of the most comprehensive books written on the art of project finance. Project finance is a technique employed for the purpose of mobilizing capital for very large start-up projects, or greenfields, based on the cash flow merits of the project--usually with little or no external support provided by parent companies in the form of guarantees. Unlike other books, this one addresses the financial, technical, legal and environmental aspects of financing complex projects. In explaining the principles involved, the authors followed the project development cycle illustrating how projects are evolved from inception, usually through international competitive bidding, to financial closure when all debt and equity needed to construct and operate the project that has been mobilized.
The book is particularly thorough in explaining the criteria used by bankers and lawyers to distinguish projects that are bank-able from those that are not. It has some good sections, particularly apt for banking professionals, on the intricacies of international law as it impinges on project finance.
Editorial Reviews
An excellent book and an up-to-date guide for the practitioner... -- Christopher K. Roberts, Partner, Allen & Overy
Financing Large Projects is a clear & thorough primer... -- Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Stanford University
This informative book is an excellent resource for developers, bankers and ceding authorities. -- Paul T. Hanraban, President and CEO, AES Corporation
From the Publisher
Unique Features:
Offers a very strong focus on the financial model. Readers are introduced to the architecture of the typical (and even encouraged to construct a new) financial model. They are exposed to the changing role of a financial model during the project development and loan negotiation stages. Moreover, they would find the financial model useful for the purpose of monitoring and tracking the progress of the project during construction and operations.
Offers an extensive discussion on the different classes of debts.
The use of hedging instruments used in Project Finance and methodology are also discussed in the book.
Clearly brings out the discussion between Corporate and Project Finance. This book explains that Project Finance transactions are limited recourse financing with securities limited to cash flow and projects assets only.
About the Author
Fouzul K. Khan, the Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), is now managing a fund of $250 million provided by the World Bank for investment in infrastructure projects. He has previously taught as part and full-time faculty at Boston University, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, the National University of Singapore and North South University in Bangladesh. He has taught Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Trade, Public Finance, and Development Economics. Since 1998, he has offered six courses on Project Finance for Bankers. He has also worked as a civil servant in the Government of Bangladesh.
Mr. Parra is a banker, by profession, with 30-years experience about half of that dedicated to infrastructure--all acquired in Citibank and PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities LLC (PwCS). Since he joined PwCS in1990, Mr. Parra has been selected to lead several long-term engagements in Asia that are Project Finance related. Three of these involved the organization and operation of World Bank sponsored fundsnamely, Pakistan (1990-92), Sri Lanka (1998-2000) and Bangladesh (1999-2002)each of which was created to extend long-term loans to privately-owned and operated infrastructure projects. Collectively, about US$2.5 billion in investment has been realized by the three funds since their creation.