Human resources management (HRM) has evolved in the last few years as a result of such factors as outsourcing, work-life balance issues, globalization, increasing proportion of older workers, generational differences, etc. As such, it is imperative to revisit past views and perspectives on methods and practices in HRM in order to ensure that best procedures are being utilized.
Cases on Critical Practices for Modern and Future Human Resources Management offers teaching cases from the corporate, public, and educational sectors that present critical reviews of different aspects of HRM, its origin, role and responsibilities, functions, and the future of HRM in the context of changing patterns of work, society, and the world. It functions as a resource that will spur future HR personnel to become more ethically conscious managers and citizens. Highlighting important topics that include employee wellbeing, recruitment, and retention, this book is ideal for human resources managers, organization development consultants, small and medium enterprises, non-profit organizations, professionals, academicians, researchers, and students
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Devi Akella is a full professor of management at College of Business, Albany State University, GA where she teaches Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management at undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Akella completed her PhD in 2001 and MBA in 1997 from University of Leeds, UK. Her research interests consist of learning organizations, critical managements studies, experiential learning and teenage pregnancy.