As a Quick Guide to Business Analysis, the book explains international techniques and tools such as:
- User stories
- Use cases
- MVP (minimum viable product)
- Requirements documents
- User interface prototypes
- Lean UX (user experience) design
- Vision and scope documents
- Business cases
- Feasibility analysis
- Personas and user profiles
- Product backlogs
- Usability tests
- Value proposition
that can be used in developing and releasing:
- Software,
- Business solutions,
- Technological products,
- Mobile applications,
- E-businesses and,
- Business processes
within tight project deadlines by applying "lean" principles.
A real life case study with sample project documents and diagrams is used to more practically explain these international tools, techniques, and lean principles to a broad range of practitioners, including:
- Business analysts, systems analysts, developers and project managers
- Entrepreneurs, product owners and product managers
- Consultants, UX designers and marketing specialists
- C-suite executives, investors and managers of companies of all sizes.